My Cup Runneth Over

2023 Spring Flower Show
MN Landscape Arboretum

We don’t know when David, who would one day be king of Israel, wrote this psalm.   Was it a backward look at life, or on a day when he successfully fought off those who would steal the sheep he was shepherding?

Psalm 23 is beloved because of its encouraging words.  Whatever our life  status might be, there is this word of assurance.  Our Shepherd God is with us and will not leave us.  David expresses  gratitude for God’s faithfulness and generosity saying, “My cup runneth over.”  Psalm 23:5b    In a world that talks about cups being half full or half empty,  David  expresses a deeper truth, of cups running over with grace.

We may be tempted to think that everything must have been going well in David’s life, the day he etched  these word on a scroll.   Yet, David had eyes to see God working in every part of his life.   

Much like, my cousin Don who saw grace in the midst of illness, failed surgery, and economic loss.  My cousin  knew his cup to be flowing over. He saw goodness in the compassion of a small rural church he once served, sending  gifts to help his family, during their financial wilderness.  Through the care of friends, he saw God acting in his life. He would say “God has been so good.”  Crippled by pain,  his words were a testimony of trust  in the shepherd he knew loved him, and would never leave him.

David feasted at a table,  knowing God’s grace was overflowing . . .  without limit and without end.  He knew a shepherd that would lead him in every circumstance. One who would always be present to  give comfort and strength.

“You care for all my needs, anointing my head with soothing, fragrant oil,
filling my cup again and again with Your grace.” Psalm 23:5b The Voice Bible