Christmas is the Season of Affirmation

Our District Superintendent shared an Affirmation, adapted from the works of Howard Thurman at  our  recent District Christmas Party.  Thurman’s words so often reach me, exactly where I need. In a year that has been filled with personal trauma, and the collective trauma of nations, it has been good to be reminded of the gifts of Christmas and the gifts of the ordinary.

Christmas is the season of affirmation.
I affirm my faith in the little graces of life: The urgency of growth, the strength of laughter, the vitality of friendship.
I affirm my confidence in the dignity of all people. Their fortitude in despair, their strength in weakness, their love in hatred.
I affirm my joy in the experience of living: The fragrance of nostalgia, the scattered moments of delight, the exhilaration of danger.
I affirm my need of others: The offerings of faiths, the gifts of variety, the quality of difference.
I affirm my hunger for God: The desire for fulfillment, the ache for understanding, the sense of peace.
Christmas is my season of affirmation.”

Adapted form Meditations of the Heart by Howard Thurman

“I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” John 10:10b

Daily Devotions and other Christmas resources can be found at this Link Devotions for Advent to Epiphany